Mon - Sat 9.00am to 5.30pm Sun 9.00am - 5.00pm. Closed Christmas Day.

The Jurien Bay Marine Park covers the section of the central west coast between Wedge Island and Green Head and includes many of the islands located in the region.

As well as major sea lion and seabird breeding areas, the marine park contains typical coastal biological communities populated with a unique mix of temperate and tropical plants and animals, sustained by the Leeuwin current. The limestone reefs include caves, grottos, and overhangs covered with colourful sponges and ascidians surrounded by a diverse variety of fish and other marine life. Extensive seagrass meadows provide shelter and nursery habitat for a variety of marine life including juvenile western rock lobster.
Biological surveys indicate that the marine and animal communities of the park are very diverse and include a number of species endemic to the area. Species that are at the limit of their natural range, and a number of species that are “new” to science and not yet described.
The Australian sea lion, which is endemic to Australia and specially protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act breeds on Buller and North Fisherman islands and uses other islands as ’haul out’ sites. As sea lions are particularly vulnerable to human disturbance it is recommended that you experience them via professional guided tours. {Information and bookings at Pinnacles Visitor Centre.}
Extensive seagrass meadows and macroalgal communities occur throughout the park, and include at least nine species of seagrass and hundreds of species of algae.
The variety and abundance of marine life supports important social and commercial activities. A number of commercial fisheries occur in the marine park and are important for the local and State economies, particularly the western rock lobster fishery. They are also gas an expanding tourism industry and potential for aquaculture development. They are also popular for a wide range of recreational activities including scuba diving, snorkelling, swimming, fishing, boating, and water sports such as wind surfing.

Marine Park Zones

The Jurien Bay Marine Park includes sanctuary, special purpose, and general purpose zones.

Sanctuary zones are ‘look but don’t take’ areas managed solely for nature conservation and low-impact recreation and tourism. 

Sanctuary zones are important for research and monitoring programs as they provide a ‘base line’ for comparisons with other areas of the park. They are also important as refuge areas for marine life thereby assisting with replenishment of adjacent areas.Special purpose zones are managed for nature conservation and a designated use. Commercial and recreational activities compatible with the primary purpose are also permitted.General use zones are managed for nature conversation while allowing for sustainable commercial and recreational activities.


Access by boats is permitted throughout the marine park.Line fishing from the shore is permitted in all areas except sanctuary zones.

Line fishing from a boat is permitted in all areas except sanctuary zones and special purpose (scientific reference) zones.

Rock lobster fishing is permitted in all areas except sanctuary zones and the special purpose (puerulus monitoring) zone.

However, before fishing in the marine park, users should refer to the permitted activities table and map contained in the publication "Your Guide to Jurien Bay Marine Park" available from DEC offices, Pinnacles Visitor Centre, or the newsagency.